This has become so evident to me over this past week. I have joined the prayer challenge to pray intentionally for my sons in several areas for 21 days ( all the weekdays in April). This is based on the book Warrior Prayers.
I would like to say that this has been a smooth process... it should be easy to pray for our kids right? There have been mornings that I have not wanted to get out of bed but this type of intentional praying needs time. So many times in the past, I have been satisfied with uttering rushed, hurried and often unfocused prayer before I begin my day. Oh but God desires and deserves so much more from us.
Using God's word to pray for my boys has also highlighted areas in my life that God is still working on. As I prayed through topics like obedience, purity, and pride, I was praying these things for my life as well. The will learn so much by watching my life... I don't want to lead them astray because my actions are not lined up with the things they are learning in God's word.
One verse that stood out to me so significantly over these first 6 days of the challenge is Hebrews 13:17a
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.
keeping watch over your souls
These are the words that jumped off the page at me. I am keeping watch over their precious souls. What a huge responsibility!
What also struck me from this verse is that as parents we should be mindful of who else is leading our children, and to pray for them to also lead lives pleasing to God as they too are keeping watch over my kids' souls.
I look forward to the next 15 days of the challenge and pray that it will continue to transform my prayer life to be more intentional. I pray that I will learn to persevere in prayer even when it is hard work!
See what others are learning through this challenge.