“Fruit is produced to be eaten, not to be admired and put on display. People around us are starving for love, joy, peace and all the other graces of the Spirit. We do not bear fruit for our own consumption; we bear fruit that others might be fed and helped and that Christ might be glorified." Warren Weirsbe, Be Free.
The word of God tells me that
the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; (Gal 5:22-23)
It is my desire to live a fruitful life so that others may see Christ in me.
But I struggle... I don't always love, I lose my patience, I am not always gentle and kind and good.
So how do I bear this fruit in my life? Why is it such a struggle? How can my life reflect Christ?
I am going to be studying this for the next 13 weeks as I join Katie from Do Not Depart and Lara from To Overflowing for another online Bible Study, ABIDING FRUIT. They have teamed up with Inspired to Action’s Maximize Your Mornings Challenge, and have hand-picked thirteen different passages of Scripture to help us understand how the fruit of the Spirit can become evident in our lives.
This week we will be studying Galatians 5:16 - 26. I have already started digging in... will you join me?
Download the study guide here . There will also be weekly posts here at Do Not Depart and I will update here at Hide and Seek what God is teaching me about Abiding Fruit!

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